This packet contains the source of a tiny FTP Server implementing the major functionalities described on RFC959. It's been realized, in spare time, during my collaboration with Laboratorio Nazionale del Sud, a nuclear physics laboratory in Catania (Italy). The program is been written using Visual Basic 3.0, the network functionalities are supplied for the most part by Winsock 1.1 and also by a very simple VBX (VBSock 1.1) find over internet and entirely free. Realization of this program is been a useful exercise for me and I hope that my work can help in your experiments over internet. This is the complete list of commands recognized by this server: - USER, PASS, CWD & XCWD, CDUP & XCUP, QUIT, PORT, TYPE (Ascii, Image), - STRU (File only), MODE (Stream only), RETR, STOR, RNFR & RNTO, DELE, - RMD & XRMD, MKD & XMKD, PWD & XPWD, LIST, NLST, SYST, HELP, NOOP. If you want any explanation or wish my collaboration for any project, contact me: Anastasi Lorenzo Via Etna, 82 95018 Riposto (CT) ITALY Phone: (095) 7791538 e-mail: